Investing in the Nepal's Stock Market does expose your money to risk. However, it also helps you attain your financial goals faster by putting your money to work and not laze around in your lockers or your bank account. Constructing your portfolio by investing in wide range of stocks, helps to diversify the risk and attain good return.
Investments in the Nepal's Stock Market gives your money the right direction and much higher returns through means of dividend, bonus shares, right share and capital gain compared to the banks savings account with privilege of ownership in the company.
Compounding returns are extremely powerful over the long run, and the earlier you get started the greater your chance is to take advantage of this. To put it more simply, this is the power of the time value of money. Regular investments in an investment portfolio or a retirement account can lead to huge compounding benefits.
Stock trading provides certainty of return of investment without loss of money and time. The shares are easily saleable without loss of money and time which provides liquidity. One can establish an emergency fund, or fund for child education by investing in stock portfolio which is safe and liquid asset.
Inflation deteriorates purchasing power of wealth. Investment habit helps to reduce impact when the actual value of money declines. In order to maintain a hedge against inflation, investment in stocks could be done which may provide inflation-adjusted rate of return. Investing in different sectors and listed companies help you in risk management.
A pension plan or a retirement plan can help you best in investments for your future, where you will never have to look up to your kids for your expenses. Investment in stocks will help you to plan your retirement securely.
Investing early on stocks definitely helps develop positive spending habits. Investing in stocks teaches important lessons and the earlier you are able to learn those lessons the more you can benefit.
Midas believes that technology and innovation are boon to the stock industry and is always ready to welcome such change when the opportunity arises.
Our professional and competent customer support team are ready to serve you, Sunday to Friday via phone, email or even personal visit.
Midas is a regulated stock broker company and strongly believes in ethical trading so that you can trade with trust.
We have right trading platform for an investor who can trade with hundreds of companies listed under Nepal Stock Exchange.
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